The official registry of the Friesian Sporthorse
Advertise on our "Links" page for a full year!

250 x 250 pixels $100/year

All advertisers receive:

- advertising tile displayed on the FSA's "Links"
page for one year

- advertising tile can be linked to your website
OR Facebook page

- advertising tiles and links will be featured
randomly on the FSA's Facebook page
during the year, at least twice per tile per year.

How to have your advertising tile added to our "Links" page:

- please email us first to insure we have space for your ad.

- click on the PayPal button to pay for your ad.

- email your advertising tile as a .jpg or .jpeg to
(*Note: we can resize your tile, but it must be a square.)

- let us know what website address OR Facebook page address you'd like your tile to link to.

- NOTE: You must be an FSA member to have your farm advertised on our website.  Merchandise advertisements and services must be Friesian Sporthorse related or something which would be reasonably expected to appeal to Friesian Sporthorse owners or breeders.  Space is limited.  First come, first served.  We reserve the right to refuse advertising tiles which are deemed inappropriate or not in the best interest of our members and the FSA.  (Ads which are refused will not be charged or will be refunded.)
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