Friesian Sporthorse™ is a registered trademark of the Friesian Sporthorse Association LLC.
© Friesian Sporthorse Association, LLC. 
Introduction to Inspections...

Inspections are a great way to see how your Friesian Sporthorse compares to the breed standard.  They can also be a great way to meet fellow FSA breeders and owners.  FSA inspections are open to registered Friesian Sporthorses and Friesians only.

At an FSA inspection the horses are presented using the traditional "triangle" format.  50% of the overall score is based on movement/gaits.  The horses will walk the triangle twice -- once to evaluate the correctness of the walk and then a second time to evaluate the quality of the walk.  This is then repeated at the trot -- once around the triangle to evaluate the correctness of the trot, and a second time around the triangle to evaluate the quality of the trot. The walk makes up 25% of the overall score and the trot makes up 25% of the overall score.

Conformation will either be judged before or after the horse is presented on the triangle, at the judge's discretion.  Conformation makes up 40% of the overall score.  Conformation is divided into four categories: Overall Impression (10%), Neck & Shoulder (10%), Frame, Back & Hindquarters (10%), and Legs (10%).

At the judge's discretion and based on the safety and appropriateness of the facility, horse owners may be given the opportunity to also have their horses judged 'at liberty' (loose.)  The assessment of the movement/gaits during the at liberty portion will contribute to the scores for movement/gaits. Young horses and foals which may be unruly or difficult to catch, or may become a danger to themselves or their handlers, should not be shown at liberty.  The safety of the horses and handlers is paramount!

The remaining 10% of the overall score is for 
the Overall Impression.

Foals may be shown at their dam's side, but they must have a handler for the main portion of the inspection.  (They may be let loose for the 'at liberty' portion if the owner is confident they'll be able to catch them again easily.)

The Champion and Reserve Champion are awarded at each inspection.  Friesian Sporthorses scoring 73% or higher will earn Bronze Elite status.  Stallions and mares may also fulfill some of the requirements for Breeding Approval and the Mare Books via inspection scores.

For more detailed information about inspections we recommend the links below.  The "Inspection Guidelines" link gives more detailed information about inspections (turn-out, attire, rules.)  

FSA foal being presented in-hand at the trot on the triangle. Lancaster ROF (Main Book colt)
FSA 2YO stallion being squared up for the conformation evaluation portion. Hemmingway SCS (Main Book stallion)
FSA stallion being presented at the walk in-hand on the triangle. Reynier (Main Book stallion) 

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Friesian Sporthorse Merchandise
FSA Registration Guidelines
Friesian Sporthorse DNA Testing